Holocaust Archive Protected by U.S. Federal Government




The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), a federal government institution in Washington, DC, has acquired an archive of documents and possessions belonging to Lithuanian Holocaust perpetrator Jonas Noreika.

The archive was donated by Noreika’s granddaughter, Silvia Foti, who has exposed her grandfather as the murderer of approximately 14,500 Lithuanian Jews at the start of the Holocaust. Foti calls the Lithuanian government’s whitewashing of her grandfather’s crimes, “perhaps one of the greatest cover-ups of the 20th Century.” Foti will release her exposé in March 2021, entitled, “The Nazi’s Granddaughter: How I Discovered My Grandfather was a War Criminal.”

Foti’s physical safety has been threatened due to her exposé, so to ensure the archive’s physical security, she has transferred possession and ownership of it to the USHMM.

The archive includes 77 original letters written by Noreika during his imprisonment as an “Honored Prisoner” in Stutthof Concentration Camp. His detention was due to his nationalist desire for Lithuanian independence from Nazi Germany. Noreika had already completed his extermination of Jews in the areas under his command when he was imprisoned.

Possessions include the medal awarded to him by the Lithuanian government for his service.

Despite overwhelming proof of Noreika’s genocidal mass murders of Jews, the Government of Lithuania denies his crimes and has falsely reinvented him as a rescuer of Jews.

Jonas Noreika is only one of many Holocaust perpetrators converted into national heroes by the government of Lithuania. Lithuania’s ongoing Holocaust revisionism is the subject of a lawsuit currently being appealed to the European Court of Human Rights.

The Israeli-American Civic Action Network is currently engaged in an ongoing campaign to educate local, state, and federal officials about Holocaust denial and distortion sponsored by Eastern European governments.

About the Israeli-American Civic Action Network: The Israeli-American Civic Action Network is dedicated to empowering Israeli immigrants and American allies to create change for a better America, a more secure Israel, and a stronger U.S. – Israel alliance through advocacy education and civic action.

