Bevin Signs Order to Support Israel Against BDS Movement

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Kentucky Republican Gov. Matt Bevin has signed an executive order to ban the award of state contracts to companies that participate in boycott, divestment and sanction practices against Israel.

Bevin signed the order during a ceremony at the Kentucky Capitol with Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer and Consul General of Israel to the Southeast United States Judith Varnai Shorer.

Supporters of the BDS movement say it is a nonviolent way to support the Palestinian cause. But Bevin called the movement anti-Semitic and “repugnant.” He referenced passages from the book of Ezekiel in the Bible about being a watchman, saying Kentucky was watching and sounding the alarm.

Bevin’s office says 25 other states have enacted laws or executive orders to ban the use of state resources to support the BDS movement.


Source: Bevin Signs Order to Support Israel Against BDS Movement