Early Vote Information




Early Voting Begins

Early Voting Ends


Hours and Days


AS §15.20.064, 15.20.045 and 6 AAC 25.500

15 days before election Day of election

Elections supervisors’ offices


Other locations as designated by election director

Varies by location


ARS §16-541, 16-542

26 days before election Friday before election

Recorder’s office


Any other locations in the county the recorder deems necessary

Not specified.


AR Code §7-5-418

15 days before election 5 p.m. Monday before election

Offices of county clerk


Other locations as determined by county board of election commissioners

Not specified.


Elec. Code §3001, 3018

29 days before election

Day before election


County election officials’ offices


Satellite locations as determined by county election officials

Varies from county to county

District of Columbia

DC ST § 1-1001.09

7 days before election, but in-person absentee voting is available 15 days before Saturday before election for early voting, day before election for in-person absentee

Council Chambers


One satellite location in each ward

8:30 a.m.-7 p.m.

Sunday excluded


Fla. Stat. §101.657

10 days before election


May be offered 11 to 15 days before an election that contains state and federal races, at the discretion of the elections supervisor

3 days before election


May end 2 days before an election that contains state and federal races, at the discretion of the elections supervisor

Main or branch offices of  elections supervisors


Other sites designated by the elections supervisor (locations must provide all voters in that area with equal opportunity to vote)

No less than 8 or more than 12 hours per day

Election supervisors may choose to provide additional days of early voting, including weekends


GA Code §21-2-380 and §21-2-382

Fourth Monday prior to a primary or election; as soon as possible prior to a runoff Friday immediately prior to a primary, election or runoff

Board of registrars’ offices


Other sites as designated by boards of registrars (must be a government building generally accessible to the public)

Normal business hours on weekdays

9 a.m.-4 p.m. on the second Saturday prior to primary or election

Election officials may provide for early voting beyond regular business hours


HRS §15-7

10 working days before election Saturday before election

Clerks’ offices


Other sites designated by clerks

Hours determined by county clerks.


ID Code §34-1006 and 34-1002

Third Monday before election  (in-person absentee) 5 p.m., Friday before election Determined by county clerk Not specified.


10 ILCS 5/19A-15 and 10 ILCS 5/19A-20

Fortieth day before election for temporary polling locations and fifteenth day before election for permanent locations End of the day before election day

An election authority may establish permanent and temporary polling places for early voting at locations throughout the election authority’s jurisdiction, including but not limited to:


Municipal clerk’s office

Township clerk’s office

Road district clerk’s office

County or local public agency office


Early voting locations must be provided at public universities

Permanent early voting locations must remain open from the fifteenth day before an election during the hours of 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. or 9 a.m.5 p.m. on weekdays.

Beginning eight days before an election, they must remain open 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. or 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekdays, 9 a.m.-Noon on Saturdays and holidays, and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sundays.

Permanent early voting locations must stay open at least 8 hours on any holiday and a total of at least 14 hours on the final weekend during the early voting period.

Election authorities may decide the days and hours for temporary early voting locations, beginning the fortieth day before an election.



Ind. Code §3-11-4-1 and 3-11-10-26

Twenty-eight days before election (in-person absentee) Noon, day before election

Office of circuit court clerk


County election board may adopt a resolution to authorize the circuit court clerk to establish satellite offices for early voting

The office of the circuit court clerk must permit in-person absentee voting for at least 7 hours on each of the 2 Saturdays preceding election day, but a county with fewer than 20,000 voters may reduce this to a minimum of 4 hours on each of the 2 Saturdays preceding election day


IA Code §53.10 and 53.11(b)

Twenty-nine days before election (in-person absentee) 5 p.m., day before election

Commissioners’ offices


Satellite locations may be established by commissioner


Satellite location must be established upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 100 eligible electors requesting a specific location

A satellite station established by petition must be open at least one day for a minimum of six  hours


KSA §25-1119, 25-1122a, 25-1123

Twenty days before election OR Tuesday before election (varies by county) Noon, day before

Offices of county election officers


County election officers may designate satellite locations

Not specified


LRS 18:1303 and 1309

Fourteen days before election 7 days before election

Registrars’ offices


Registrar may provide alternate location in the courthouse or a public building in the immediate vicinity thereof
One branch office of the registrar, as long as it is in a public building

8:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Saturday

Holidays excluded


Title 21-A §753B(2) and 753-B(8)

In-person absentee voting available as soon as absentee ballots are ready (30-45 days before election) Three business days before election, unless the voter has an acceptable excuse. County clerks’ offices During regular business hours on days when clerks’ offices are open


Election Law §10-301.1

Second Thursday before a primary or general election Thursday before election

Established by State Board of Elections in collaboration with local boards


Number required depends on county population and ranges from one to five per county

8 a.m.-8 p.m. in a presidential election

10 a.m.-8 p.m. each day in all other elections



M.G.L.A. 54 §25B

(only available for state biennial elections)

Eleven days before election Second business day before election (Friday before)

City hall election office and town clerk’s office


Alternate or additional locations may be provided at the discrection of the city or town registrar

Regular business hours. City or town clerks may provide additional hours (including weekends) at their discretion.


M.S.A. §203B.081,  203B.085

Forty-six days before election (in-person absentee) 5 p.m. the day before election Elections offices or any other location designated by county auditor

Monday through Friday regular business hours.

10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday before election; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on the day before Election Day.


M.C.A. §13-13-205

Thirty days before election (in-person absentee) Day before election Elections offices Not specified.


N.R.S. §32-808§32-938, 32-942

Thirty days before each an election. Election Day County clerk or election commissioners’ offices Not specified.


N.R.S. §293.356

Third Saturday preceding election Friday before election

Permanent places for early voting as designated by county clerk


Branch polling places for early voting as designated by county clerk

8 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Friday of the first and second weeks

Clerk may conduct early voting until 8 p.m. during the second week

At least four hours between 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on any Saturday that falls during the period

Sundays and holidays are excepted, but a clerk may include them as early voting days.

New Jersey


Forty-five days before election (in-person absentee) 3 p.m. the day before election Office of the county clerk Not specified

New Mexico

N.M.S.A. §1-6-5(G)

Third Saturday before election Saturday before election

Clerks’ offices and:


Class A counties with more than 200,000 registered voters: clerk must establish at least 12 alternate locations


Class A counties with 200,000 or fewer registered voters: clerk must establish at least 4 alternate locations


Non-class A counties with more than 10,000 registered voters: clerk must establish at least one alternate location


Non-class A counties with 10,000 or fewer registered voters: clerk’s office and alternate locations as designated by clerk

Hours are set by the clerk, and must begin no earlier than 7 a.m. and end no later than 9 p.m.

Each alternate location must be open for at least eight consecutive hours on each day of early voting, and may be closed on Sundays and Mondays

North Carolina

N.C.G.S.A. §163A-1300 to  §163A-1304


Third Wednesday before election 1 p.m. on the last Saturday before election

Office of county board of elections


The county board of elections may choose to offer additional locations, subject to approval by the state board of elections. All sites must be open during the same hours.

Monday through Friday during regular business hours at the county board of elections. Other early voting sites must be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the early voting period. A county board of elections shall conduct early voting on the last Saturday before the election from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and may conduct early voting until 5 p.m. on that Saturday (Note: the section that provides for early voting on the last Saturday before the election expires Jan. 1, 2019).


If the county board of elections opens early voting sites on Saturdays (other than the last Saturday before the election) or Sundays during the early voting period, then all sites shall be open for the same number of hours uniformly throughout the county on those days.


There are additional exceptions for counties with islands that contain no bridges to the mainland.

North Dakota

NDCC §16.1-07-15

Fifteen days before election Day before election At the discretion of county auditor The county auditor chooses and publishes the hours


Note: Uniform statewide schedule is set by the secretary of state: 2018 Voting Schedule here



Twenty-eight days before election 2 p.m. Monday before election

Main office of board of elections


Board may conduct voting at a branch office only under certain conditions

8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, with some extended evening hours in the week prior to the election

8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday

1-5 p.m. on the Sunday before Election Day



Thursday preceding an election (in-person absentee) 2 p.m. on the Saturday before election At a location designated by the county election board. For counties of more than 25,000 registered voters or with an area of more than 1,500 sq. miles, more than one location may be designated

8 a.m.-6 p.m. on Friday and Monday

8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday

South Dakota

S.D.C.L. §12-19-2.1

Forty-five days before election (in-person absentee) 5 p.m. the day before the election Office of the person in charge of elections Regular office hours


Tenn. Code §2-6-102(a)(1)

Twenty days before election Five days before election (seven days for a presidential preference primary) County election commission office

Offices must be open a minimum of three consecutive hours on weekdays and Saturdays between 8 a.m.-6 p.m. during the early voting period

On at least three days, offices must be open between 4:30-7 p.m., and on at least one Saturday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.


Tex. Elec. Code §85.001and 85.002

Seventeen days before election Four days prior to election

In a room in the offices of the county clerk, or elsewhere as determined by the clerk


Each county has one main early voting center

During business hours on weekdays unless:


Fewer than 1,000 voters, in which case three hours per day, or

More than 100,000 voters, in which case 12 hours per day during the last week


Utah Code §20A-3-601

Fourteen days before election Friday before election, though an election official may choose to extend the early voting period to the day before the election In government offices as determined by election officer

At least four days per week, and on the last day of the EV period.

The election officer may elect to conduct early voting on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.



Tit. 17, §2531 thru 2537

Forty-five days before election (in-person absentee) 5 p.m. day before election

Offices of town clerks


Clerks may make “mobile polling stations” available

Not specified.

West Virginia

W.V. Code §3-3-3

And SB 581

Thirteen days before election Three days before election

Courthouse or the annex next to the courthouse


County commission may designate additional areas, subject to requirements prescribed by the Secretary of State

Must be open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturdays through EV period


Wis. Code §6.86(1)(b)

Third Monday preceding the election (in-person absentee) 7 p.m. or close of business on the Friday preceding the election Clerks’ offices Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; No more than 45 hours a week.


Wyo. Stat. §22-9-105 and 125

Forty days before election (in-person absentee)


Day before election

County clerks’ offices


Courthouse or other public building

Must be open regular hours on normal business days

Additionally, three states have all-mail voting. Every eligible voter is sent a ballot that can be returned by mail, or dropped off at a voter center or similar location during the early voting period.


State Early Voting Begins Early Voting Ends Locations Hours and Days


C.R.S. §1-5-102

Voter service and polling centers must be open 15 days before an election. Day of election Determined by county election officials. Every day but Sunday during the early voting period. Normal business hours (but may be expanded by county board of commissioners)


§254.470, Secretary of State Rules

Dropsites must open the Friday before an election, but may open as soon as ballots are available (18 days before). Day of election Election offices or other staffed locations (libraries, city halls, etc.) or outdoor mailboxes (drive-by or walking traffic). Normal business hours.


RCW §29A.40.160

Vote centers must be open 18 days before an election. 8 p.m. on day of election Election offices or other locations designated by the county auditor. Normal business hours.

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